Howdy gals and gents! This week we have the lovely Elle Strauss with us on the Writer's Block. She's the author of the adorable Clockwise novels you see below. Another fan of the unsinkable Jane Austen. Addicted to dark chocolate and red wine. And she even spends time teaching the English language to poor farm kids in Romania . 'Super Awesome' sticker goes right here! Yeah, there's a free download attached to this interview, but let's take a minute to learn a thing or two about this generous gal!
What was your favorite book as a kid? The Reddy Fox books by Thorton Burgess and Nancy Drew
If you were stranded on a desert island what is the one book you couldn't be stranded without? Bible
What is your favorite genre to read and what makes it so awesome? I love YA. I like reading about first experiences and a world that can still be fresh and not jaded.
Any pet peeves you'd be willing to share? Finding out that the stand alone book you're reading is actually the first book of a trilogy on the last page.
If you could meet any dead person, who would you choose? Any particular reason why? Jane Austen. Just to see if we got our perceptions of her right. :)
What was your most favorite past time as a kid? Reading of course. I also loved to water ski, a sport I no longer do.
If you could live in any time period other than the present, which would you choose and why? I think I'd like to live in the fifties. Lived seemed simpler and more wholesome then (though I'm sure it wasn't). I think that's why I chose 1955 for the main character to travel back to in Like Clockwise.
What do you do when you experience that lovely problem called writer's block? I do something physical, like hiking or yoga. It seems to unlock things for me.
If you could live anywhere in the world you'd like, where would that be and why? Right now, it would be somewhere tropical because winter this year felt so long. :)
What food/drink would absolutely devastate you if they stopped production on? Dark chocolate and red wine. And soy lattes. :)
Which book are you most looking forward to reading this year? Probably Insurgent by Veronica Roth.
Which do you prefer: ebook, hardback or paperback? I've swung from paperback to ebook this year.
This or That
Underworld or Twilight
Original or Remake
Sweet or Salty
Drama or Comedy
Fantasy or Romance
Spring or Autumn
Dirty Dancing or Footloose
American Idol or X-Factor or The Voice
Movie Theatre or Loveseat
Tea or Coffee
This series is super cute. If you're still on the fence, check out my reviews of Clockwise, Clockwiser and the companion novel Like Clockwork. There's also a fourth done in Nate's POV called Clocked, but I haven't gotten to that one yet! Now for the FREE DOWNLOAD of CLOCKWISE! This book is so freakin' adorable it's a crime we get it for free! So be sure to pick this up at either Amazon, iTunes, Kobo or Smashwords.
I have never heard of these books before but they sound really cute. Thank you for the generous giveaway!
Thanks for the interview! I'd never heard of these books before, but they sound really cute. I'll check them out :)
Thanks for the interview, i will read this once my exam finish, thanks you a lot for having done several format free and not only kindle
all the best
Great interview - and I loved your answer about why YA? So very true :)
I've seen these books out and about and thought the stories looked very cool and I love the covers, so its wonderful to be given one for free. I think you're a very smart woman, because already I KNOW I'll be downloading the others quick-smart! ;)
Thanks ladies!
Very nice interview! I had downloaded Clockwise from Amazon recently. Looking forward to reading it. :)
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