Welcome to the Crazy Dream blog. I'm an indie that loves to read and review (mostly) YA and NA books. If you're considering me for a book review, please check out my review policy and scan a list of my archives to see what I like. I mostly review ARCs, Indie books and books I'm just die hard about reading, but I may consider other pieces of work (just ask!). I sometimes run a segment I call the Writer's Block where I offer fun interviews and giveaways with authors we love.
I also run a monthly giveaway called Previously Loved Book Giveaways where, you guessed it, I give away some gently used books so I can make room on the bookshelf for more. These are specifically for my peeps and run the entire month so you'll be sure to have time to stop by and enter.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you here again!