Kelly Libsack

Faith isn't spiritual or religious. In-fact she doesn't believe in any of it. However, when two angels disguised as gorgeous young men enter her life and steal her heart, she's exposed to the existence of the other side and a responsibility she's meant to fulfill.
Faith has spent her entire life on the move thanks to her father. But now with his passing, she's able to sit down in one place long enough to draw the attention of two hot guys. Too bad they turn out to be angels, vying for her loyalty in an ancient wager between God and Satan.
Faith can't believe her luck, or lack thereof. She was raised non-religious by her father, who constantly had her on the move in an attempt to outrun the destiny attached to Faith's bloodline. But no such luck. In a long line of women that began with Eve, Faith has been chosen to decide the winner of this ancient wager. And who better to explain the situation than a hot angel from both sides: Seth, the fallen angel, and Kort, heaven's angel. Faith finds herself drawn to both as they try to persuade her decision in their favor. But even angels lie, and soon Faith finds her life at risk and unsure who to trust to save her life.
I can honestly say that I'm not a real religious person these days, and I rarely read stories with religious tones. Maybe it's shallow of me, but it was the temptation of two hot angels that made me wanna read this book. And man were they HOT! Steamy. Yummylicious. Especially the naughty angel (yeah, I like the bad boys...sue me!) So much so I didn't even mind that there was a religious story interweaved with the romance. Although I can say I was rather intrigued by the wager pending between God and Satan and the role Faith was expected to play in the outcome. All I can say is if you like steamy, romantic make-out scenes, Preordained will have you fanning yourself. :)
Fair warning: Preordained starts off a little slow, but the action kicks in after a hundred pages and the novel ends with a great bang! So it's definitely worth sticking it out. Also, there are some pretty smokin' hot scenes in this book so I recommend older young adults and up. Happy reading!
Novel provided by author for honest review.
To be honest, i haven't read a lot of books with religious aspect either... but when i first saw this book i was intrigued by the two angels too^^;;;
Your review made me want to leat give it a try to see how it goes so thanks you for sharing
I'm a sucker for stories about angels, so I don't mind the religious undertones. Now I have to add this book to the list of ones I want to read!
I don't mind a bit of religion, so long as it's not preachy. Two hot Angels got my attention more than anything I have to say.
Super dreamy? Sounds good. I like that this is an angel book from the perspective of someone raised outside of a religious tradition.
I have had this book sitting on my kindle for ages and not gotten round to it. I realise that I'm missing now! Two hot angels! Cool!
I too am a sucker for bad boys. Especially hot bad boys! And to top it off, there's angels! *fans self* Fatastic review. Makes me really want to pick up the book for myself!
I'm glad to see there's another draw for these books beside the religious aspects (not being very religious myself). Can't beat gorgeous guys! Great review and will definitely be adding it to my to-read list.
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