So today I have with me Jessie Harrell, the author of the beloved Destined I've seen all over everyone's GoodReads shelves. I always ask my interviewees to offer up a different kind of pic and Jessie certainly delivered! Love the unicorn! What she said: "Here's a picture of me and my youngest daughter, Samantha, at the Fern Bank Museum in Atlanta. I've always LOVED unicorns. And if you want to get really candid, here's me about to shove cupcake in my mouth after serving them up at my oldest daughter's birthday party. As you can see, I obvious believe my sunglasses are a superior form of hair clip." I want a cupcake. BRB!
Okay, sugar crave satisfied. On with the interview!
What was your favorite book as a kid? This ties back into the unicorns. I loved this series called Morgan Mine (also included were Morgan & Me and Morgan & Ewe). They were about a unicorn named Morgan and they were illustrated with the most beautiful pictures and written so lyrically for children's books. Probably no surprise that my oldest daughter is named Morgan.
Any pet peeves you'd be willing to share? I can't stand people who drive at or below the speed limit until there is an actual police officer in the immediate vicinity. I have places to go, people!
If the Earth suddenly became uninhabital, would you rather live under the sea or in space? No question about it, under the sea! "Darling it's better, down where it's wetter, take it from me!" Sorry, Little Mermaid flashback. Space travel is another one of my pet peeves (don't get me started) and my time as a certified diver wasn't nearly long enough.
What was your most favorite pasttime as a kid? Duh - reading!
Do you have a secret obsession you'd be willing to share? <wink, wink> Checking e-mail. Although it's probably not-so-secret and thankfully not that shameful, but I've gotten adult onset ADD as a result of technology and I have to know if I have email ALL. THE. TIME.
Do you like to listen to music when you read or write? Tell us a few of your favorites. I love listening to Joshua Radin - he's so mellow and his music just inspires me. I got to meet him after a concert a few years back and, as he was scribbling his name on my CD like every other person in line, I told him he was my favorite person to listen to while I was writing. I'm sure he TOTALLY remembers me now.
Underworld or Twilight: TWILIGHT!!
Sweet or Salty: SWEET! (I seem locked in caps lock tonight, but some of these choices I feel very passionate about. LOL.)
Spring or Autumn: Autumn in Asheville
Walter Mathau or Jack Lemmon: I'm not old enough to admit I know who these men are ;) [LOL-You're my age girlie (which is young, of course) so I'm gonna bet you've seen Grumpy Old Me by now!]
American Idol or X-Factor or The Voice: American Idol (esp. the first episodes where the show all the people who suck - like I would if I were foolish enough to audition)
Rain or Sunshine: I like both, actually. Rain for reading and napping; sunshine for playing
Treehouse or Man Cave: Dude, treehouse, all the way. Can I have one like the Swiss Family Robinson in the Magic Kingdom?
Alright, so if you haven't already put Destined on your to-read lists, you should do it now. :) Seriously, I'll even link it for you. And in case you're not convinced yet, just check out the synopsis and my review of Destined. Now on to the giveaway. Jessie is graciously offering one winner an ebook of Destined and a signed bookmark! Just fill in the rafflecopter below.
Get paperbacks of Destined at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, the Book Depository. Grab the ebooks at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Smashwords.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
thanks for hosting the interview and giveaway. ((HUGS))
I just wanted to say I loved DESTINED. Such a great book. I read it in one sitting while I was sick, and it helped me forget how bad I felt. :)
Nic interview, Jesse! I like unicorns too.
Fabulous interview! I loved the caps! They're everywhere I would've capped, too, especially the Coffee and Autumn: in Michigan, though, It's gorgeous here late August to mid-November.
LOL at Jack Lemon and Walter Mathau. I've seen Dirty Old Men-and who ever left the fish in the car would be my favorite! I can't remember which one it was?
I love the cover of Destined: It's gorgeous done in mostly Black and white with the spotlight on the girl, resting seductively or languidly on the couch with only her bared skin showing any real color. It's a cover lover thing and combined with the synopsis, it begs to be read. I always profess NOT to be a Cover Lover but when I see a gorgeous cover and I'm sucked in by the synopsis then I'm hooked!
Great giveaway and a Big Thank You to both for sharing!
Fantastic giveaway! Thank you so much for the invite!
Kitty Bullard - Great Minds Think Aloud Literary Community
great interview and thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the great interview. My favorite part is the either or section.
What a fun interview. I'm very excited to read Destined.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Your review of Destined just made me want to read this book even more!! I love books that have stories involving mythology! I do not know much about myths involving Cupid so excited to read this book and see how Jessie Harrell tells it!! :)
Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy of this book!!
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