My guest this week on the Writer's Block is Denise Grover Swank. She's a single super-mom of six kids, the author of a slew of books, coffee nut, and probably has every episode of Little House on the Prairie memorized. Let's take a few minutes to get to know this uber-efficient multi-tasker!

What was your favorite book as a kid? I LOVED the Little House on the Prairie series! I wanted to have my own sunbonnet, so I found a rufflely baby dress, cinched up the neck hole and sleeves, tied a string around it and made my own. I wore that thing everywhere for awhile.
If the Earth suddenly became uninhabital, would you rather live under the sea or in space? That's really a tough call, but I'm going to go for space-- as long as I'm with other people. Space is so vast and limitless. I can only imagine all the things I could see and experience, as long as my space ship has warp drive. Otherwise, I'll never live long enough to see it all.
Take us through a typical writing day for you. Do you have anything quirky - like you have to have a certain pen to write with, or the desk laid out in a particular manner, does it need to be raining, do you require a certain food/drink/candy to work by? Will you have an absolute meltdown if the atmosphere isn't what you like? I'm pretty flexible with my writing and editing. I have to be with all the kids in my house. I have six kids, although only five live at home. My youngest is five and my kids often have their friends here which only adds to the chaos. So, the only thing I really require is my laptop, and I move around from place to place in my house to write. (My new outdoor gazebo is my favorite place when it's not too hot.) Other than that, I need my iTunes and my Bose noise cancelling headphones--my Christmas present to myself.
What do you do when you experience that lovely problem called writer's block? After I make myself stop procrastinating, I usually push through. But lately I've begun to stop and try to figure out where I went wrong. It saves me from lots of rewriting later.
Do you like to listen to music when you read or write? Tell us a few of your favorites. I've become so accustomed to working with music, I can't write without it. My playlist changes from book to book. With HERE I listened a lot of Linkin Park's album, Minutes to Midnight as well as Lifehouse and Red. I've already added Evanescence new CD to the playlist for THERE and I haven't even started writing it yet.
Which do you prefer: ebook, hardback or paperback? I used to prefer paperbacks, but lately I prefer my Kindle.
This or That
Drama or Comedy: It depends on my mood. More often than not, comedy.
Fantasy or Romance: A combination of both.
Spring or Autumn
Movie Theatre or Loveseat: Movie theater. I don't get out enough.
Tea or Coffee: Coffee!!!!
Rain or Sunshine: Rain but not for too long
Choose a challenge...if you dare!
Write a sentence using all these words: love birds, twizzlers, fireworks, ferris wheel, turtle. The turtle crawled into the backpack and ate Twizzlers while two lovebirds rode a ferris wheel and watched fireworks.
You can see my review of Here here - totally 5 stars! Pick yours up at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. And you can order personalized autographed copies of all her books here.
1 comment:
Thanks for having me on you site, Devon!
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