
Friday, May 20, 2011

Who Would I Cast for The Immortal Archives?

Okay, so I get asked this question ALOT!! I'm so focused on writing that I hardly think about the possiblity of it gracing the silver screen one day. But just for grins and giggles, I'm gonna indulge the readers and show exactly who would be my #1-gotta-have-or-the-author-won't-sell-the-rights-hissy-fit (okay, not really) to fill these roles.

Click to enlarge.
                Abby         Noel         Emily       Valerie       Gaius

Abby : Rachel McAdams : I don't think I've seen a film yet that I didn't like her in. She's a well-rounded actress and could pull off the bipolar eccentricities of Abby's emotional state with ease. Not to mention, who here wouldn't like to see Rachel McAdams in a physical battle with herself at the end of Ordained?

Noel : Skeet Ulrich : He's a dead-ringer for Noel with mad acting chops. Noel has the biggest secret to reveal amongst the immortals and he always knows more than he lets on verbally. He would need to be represented by someone that could convey that knowledge through eye and facial expressions - and Skeet Ulrich rocks that skill. If you've been living under a rock (or really young) and don't know who he is - go watch Scream right now. Go!!!

Emily : Emma Stone : Emily's a sassy rebel who's gonna be a pistol throughout the series, so who's better than Emma Stone? Seriously, who? (give me names people! - I challenge you but I doubt you'll succeed). Emily will play a huge role in how this series will end but she's gonna have to suffer from one emotional stab after another to get there - and I'd love to see how much depth someone like Emma Stone could bring to this character.

Valerie : Evan Rachel Wood : She's given some incredible performances in the past and she could do wonders for Valerie. I particularly enjoyed her in The Life Before Her Eyes and Thirteen.

Gaius : Derek Hough : Don't worry. If you've read Ordained already, Gaius isn't there. He debuts in Metamorphosis but I thought I'd go ahead and add some more eye candy for the ladies. I'm not sure if he's done anything outside Dancing With The Stars but he's a physical match for Gaius, who is the leader of Abby and Noel's organization - and a possible future love interest for Emily.

Alright, I've had my fun. Now I've gotta get back to writing. :)


Mary Preston said...

We don't see enough of Skeet Ulrich I think. He's gorgeous & talented.

I love your cast.

Cansel said...

I love Derek - think it would be nice to see him in something!

Ashley Applebee said...

Great selection!! I love Skeet Ulrich!!
Ashley A

OWB with Book Relations said...

I would love to see skeet ulrich actually:) great choices though.

Unknown said...

I haven't read this yet but it seems like a good group of actors.

Unknown said...

oooh...love your choice for Noel. Love everything he's been in!

Unknown said...

this is nice.

Alyn said...

I love Rachel McAdam. I can't say I know any of the other actors and actresses besides Emma Stone.

Mer said...

Thanks for sharing! I love comparing my mental image of the characters to the cast/dream cast!

bn100 said...

Nice dream cast. I like Rachel McAdams.

Cassi said...

Sad to say that I don't know all of them, but they all look great!

Caitlin said...

I don't know all of them, but I like that! Looks like you have a good casting idea! ;)

engelsigh said...

Skeet Ulrich is perfect! He does such a good job with his expressions.

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I love the whole cast. My fave would be Emma as Emily. :)

Unknown said...

Love the actresses choice !!!

Jennifer G W said...

Haven't read this yet but the cast looks good :)

Kelly said...

Nice choice of actors. I so wish all books would come as a movie as well!!